OnePlus 10T June update reportedly fixes the battery drain problem

OnePlus 10T, a widely acclaimed device introduced by OnePlus in 2022, received the OxygenOS 13.1 update a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, some users experienced significant battery drain problems after installing the update. Nonetheless, the company is currently deploying the June update to address the previously reported battery drain issue.

The most recent update for the OnePlus 10T smartphone is identified by the build number OxygenOS It includes the latest June 2023 security patch and addresses the reported battery drain issue. Additionally, the update aims to enhance system fluidity and improve the overall camera experience.

As for the changelog, it mentions the updated security patch, improved system fluency, improved camera performance, and fixed battery drain issue.

OnePlus 10T June Update Changelog


  • Integrates the June 2023 Android security patch to enhance system security.
  • Improves system stability.
  • Extends the battery life in some scenarios.


  • Improves the stability of Camera.

To update your OnePlus 10T device to OxygenOS, follow these simple steps. First, ensure your device is connected to Wi-Fi and has sufficient battery. Then, open the Settings app and go to “System” in the menu. Select “System Updates” and check for updates. If OxygenOS is available, tap “Download” to start. Wait for the download to finish, then tap “Install.” Your device will reboot during installation. Once the reboot is complete, your OnePlus 10T will be updated to the latest OxygenOS version with new features and improvements.

Similar to previous updates, OnePlus will adopt an incremental rollout strategy for OxygenOS Initially, a limited number of users will receive the OTA update, enabling the company to closely monitor and resolve any potential issues. Once the initial rollout proves successful, OnePlus will expand the distribution to ensure that all eligible OnePlus 10T devices in India can access the latest enhancements and features.

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